This small corner property of 2.53 acres has untapped potential! Whatever you choose to just come out here and camp you can enjoy the blue Colorado Skies, wide-open spaces from your backyard, hike the surrounding mountains or go fishing at Sanchez Reservoir which is just 3.4 miles away from here or build a mountain get-away cabin, this is a great investment Property is in Wild Horse Mesa subdivision, located about 9.3 miles south of San Luis, CO – where you can enjoy the small town charm

Property Info:
Size: 2.53 acres County: Costilla, CO (Wild Horse Mesa subdivision) San Luis, CO
Parcel ID: 71227070
Legal Description: W.H.M. SECTION F BLK 91 PARCEL 16 CONT. 2.53 AC Taxes: Approx. $60 yearly
Road access: Overland Way & County Rd. 18.9
GPS 4 corners:
NE: 37.1126, -105.4363 at County Rd. 18.9
NW: 37.1126, -105.4376
SW: 37.1118, -105.4376 at Overland Way
SE: 37.1118, -105.4363 at Overland & County Rd. 18.9
Google map shortcode: at SE corner
Elevation: 7,665 ft

Pricing Options:                
1. Owner finance with us for: $500 down + $250/month(no hidden fees) for 48 months  
2. Pay upfront and enjoy a great a discounted price of $8,500

Reserve Now with a $500 Down Payment

Pictures used in this post are of the general area where the property is located not of the actual lot, except the GIS image!